I went into labor with Clara at about eight o'clock tuesday morning on the 15th of May, which happens to be my grandma Lois' birthday who Clara is named after. I had not been able to sleep well my last month of my pregnancy, and so I was up at four in the morning in the shower trying to find some way to relax my body so I could sleep. Unfortunately the shower didn't work, and I was awake until six, and David would be getting up 20 minutes later to get ready and go to work. David would ask me every day before he left if he thought I was going to have the baby, I would always tell him, "I don't know, if I knew I wouldn't be so miserable!" But ironically, that morning, I felt different, and told him that there was a 50/50 chance that I'd have the baby today.
I got a twenty minute nap after he left, and that is about when the contractions started. I was bound and determinded to have our baby without an epidural, and all the books and people say, you should wait as long as you can before you go into the hospital, and keep yourself busy. So I got up, got dressed, pulled my hair back, and took our dog, Harley, for a walk, (and just food for thought for other pregnant women who want to stay busy while they are in labor, don't take your dog for a walk, if your dog is annoying to walk.) Harley is the most annoying dog to talk take for walks, and when a contraction hit, which they were coming about every four minutes, I could have killed her and rolled over and died! On my walk I called David and told him he needed to come home now!! David couldn't leave right away because two of the sports teams were gone for the day and all of there subs were already being utilized in the other classrooms, for the teachers that were gone on the sports trip. David then called his cousin, who is also my God mother, and she came to me so I wouldn't be in labor alone.
Mary Ellen met me at my house and would time my contractions, they were speratic but coming every 3 to 5 minutes. We called my midwifes, and they confirmed I was in labor and said I could go into the hospital now or wait a little, it was about 9:30, and I decided to wait, I still needed to shower, fix my hair, and put on my make up, so I could look good when I had this baby. Also at this time, tons of people, my sisters and sister in law were calling to check in, I still hadn't gotten a hold of my parents, but they would find out soon enough. I didn't want to talk to anyone so Mary Ellen took over answering the phones, while I was going to shower. I never made it to the shower, I started feeling a lot of pressure, and that freaked me out! After talking it over with Mary Ellen we decided it was time to go to the hospital, I guess she didn't want to chance delivering the baby, ha ha!! Mean while David is still at work, and it takes him 45 minutes to get back home!! We got to the hospital and checked in around 11, and I was dialted to a five, so I was on my way. I told them no epidural, and no IV, I wanted to have her natural, after monitoring the baby for 15 min, to see if she was handling the contractions, I was able to get into the jacuzzi tub and stayed there until 230.
David finally showed up at noon, and I was soooo glad to see him. He was amazing during labor. I thought he would lose it, but he was my rock. He keep me strong, and helped my find strength when I was feeling weak. When I got out the the jacuzzi tub they checked me again and said I was only dialted to a six, they said they could break my water and it would make me progress faster, but it would also intensify my contractions, it made me too nervous so I said I would wait. David suggested we stand and walk around for a bit and let gravity play it's part, my contractions were getting stronger and stronger, David and I would sway "dance" together, but I just wanted to get back into the jacuzzi tub, because I at least found some comfort in there, so at 330 I got back in. My contractions were so strong, and David asked if I wanted them to break my water so we could at least be done more quickly. I told him at four they can check me and if I hadn't progressed more than a cm, I wanted an epidural. At that point I was so tired, and I just wanted a break.
At four they came in and check me, and I had dialated to a 9, and at that point I let them break my water. They asked if I still wanted the epidural, and I said I made it this far, I mine as well go all the way. I started feeling pressure and started pushing at four thirty. I pushed and pushed and pushed for what seemed like forever!! and Finally after much anticipation, Miss Clara Lois Allen made her enterance into this world at 5:23 pm. I will never forget the first moment I saw her. Her eyes were wide open and she was looking right up at me, I look back at her with so much disbelief, but with an overwhelming love for this sweet little baby. I looked up at David, and tears were streaming down in face. That moment at 5:23pm, was the most perfect and happiest moment of our lives. That moment changed our life, we went from pregnant to parents.
8lbs, 19 1/2 inches
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